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Sogavare is a dangerous paranoid prime minister

The Australian government has donated police vehicles and deadly weapons to the Solomon Islands' government per the request of the prime minister of the less developed country in the region. The ridiculous thing he said in justifying these deadly weapons is that they are crucial to the prosperity of the country, which is absolutely ridiculous. Besides that, he also accepted donation from China of motorbikes and riot vehicles. Are these weapons necessary or are these so-called powers merely feeding into the paranoia of this mentally unstable prime minister? 

Prime Minister Sogavare had been in government since the 90s and was elected in 1997 until now as MP for East Choisel. And he should remember that in the 1980s and 1990s, prosperity defined the country, and though various governments succeeded, and the economy fluctuated, it was largely considered stable until the late 1990s when the SI government decided to buy weapons to protect itself from the threats posed by the PNG Defense Force, which crossed over to the country multiple times in pursuit of Bougainville Revolutionary Army soldiers they believed took refuge in SI. Those weapons were then used in 2000 to overthrow the government of Ulufa'alu. 

After those weapons were used to remove the duly elected PM of SI, Sogavare ran as a candidate for the PM during the special session of parliament and became PM of SI for the first time. In other words, he was the beneficiary of a coup carried out with those military weapons that were bought to defend the country. 

These weapons too will be used against him or any future prime minister because everyone knows history as a nasty habit of repeating itself. In a country wreaked with social instability and tribal fragmentism, it is just a matter of time before another ethnic tension happens with severe consequences, and these weapons will be used against elected officials. This is a fragile situation that Sogavare should know and should do all he can to avoid. But again, he is paranoid! This is the same guy who claimed to have seen late Solomon Mamaloni in a vision, and received economic lecture from the dead man. In any civilized advanced society, Sogavare would be admitted to a mental hospital, or rendered mentally unfit to rule. But in SI, he is revered by easily led uneducated MPs. 

Rubbish justification

Whatever Prime Minister Sogavare said since he got elected, as with other times he was PM, is mere propaganda - grounded in zero facts. For instance, his claim that the weapons are going to help the country in terms of development and prosperity, as if their existence would bring prosperity. This is based on the idea that these deadly weapons would secure the country in the midst of those foreign developments. What he meant to say, however, was that these weapons would be used to protect Chinese investments in SI, not the people of the country. This is a man who never listened to the people of SI as prime minister. What happened when the Civil Society protested outside his office requesting that he dropped the Australian child sex offender Julian Moti as his nominee for the Attorney General of SI? He told them that he got their words and that he would seriously consider their request. A day or two later, he had Moti sworn in as the country's AG. What happened next is a sad history of diplomatic chaos between Australia and the SI. There's no guarantee that Mr. Sogavare had changed his attitude - his high and mighty attitude of looking down on his people, refusing to listen to them. He did it in 2021 and saw his city in flames, and his home torched to the ground. 

Lost Sovereignty 

Since 2006, Sogavare went after RAMSI and led an effort to undermine their mission to restore law and order in the country. In 2005, as alluded to on another page, Mr. Sogavare called the Australian RAMSI officers who were in the treasury trying to restore the country's crumbling economy, SPIES OF CANBERRA. All his efforts against RAMSI are on record, thankfully his mission to destroy RAMSI was largely failed due to MPs ditching him and his anti-Australian government each time he became PM. But this time, Sogavare has elevated his absurd dream of becoming a dictator to a whole new level - by attempting to provoke a direct confrontation between Australia and China with the stroke of his pen, and he did so with the backing of some of the dumbest MPs ever to walk the floor of parliament. 

For years, he was barking on behalf of the Taiwanese government, decrying the fact that Taiwan had been largely ignored by the United Nations because of China. He went after China and the rest of the world for their immoral acts against Taiwan. But in 2019, that moral rhetoric went down the toilet. He booted Taiwan out and then brought China in, and he did with one thing in mine - the building of his ambitious plans for the Pacific Games - something dear to his heart. In answering questions about his decision to woo China, Mr. Sogavare claimed that it was because he needed the money. So, it is not about the "Right Side of History" which he claimed Taiwan is sitting at, but everything to do with money. If you sell the soul of your country for some cheap buildings that would crumble in a few years, one day your country will turn against you. It is a fact. 

Security and protection

But this issue is more than money and the forging of foreign relations, it is about the sovereignty of your nation. The first and foremost mission of a government is the protection of the general populace. And by that, i mean the responsibility of ensuring there's peace and prosperity in the city, is the main responsibility of the government. And a huge portion of that is the authority and power vested in the police and its ministry to ensure people co-exist together in peace and harmony. Sogavare, however, crossed that line and made a huge mess. 

So far, he outsourced the security of his country to Australia, Fiji, and PNG - the PIF and MSG members. He then signed an agreement with China, allowing the Chinese military to enter the country if requested. He also allowed, per that agreement, armed Chinese police to enter the country if requested. This is the apparent suicide of a free nation! If you give up the security of your nation to foreign entities, you've lost your sovereignty! 

Under Sogavare, SI is a whore of foreign entities! The nation's sovereignty is dead! 


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